The first time all of these diverse schedules will be presented in one place is in the economic evaluation, so it will usually fall to the person preparing the evaluation to make all of these schedules relate to each other in time. The economic evaluation of a mineral project requires a great deal of diverse information to be brought together in one place. For operating mines the sources of data can include monthly, quarterly, and annual operating reports. What is the recovery? Corporate annual reports are another source of data, particularly in terms of over-all strategic planning. 4. 6. Category/ Sub category & Schedule B/B2 & 1(a) 2. These can be initial licensing fees at the time of construction and/or ongoing fees for the use of a technology. The questions below assume that the process facility is operated by the owner, although the data requested will also be needed if the ore is custom milled. 3. 11. Royalties can create substantial liabilities, and should be well understood. This just means that the study achieves a quality and standard that would be acceptable for submission to bankers. Some mines and mills take several years to reach full capacity and some never do. 3. Often you will hear the term ‘bankable feasibility study’ — and it’s more about financing than geology. Royalties can take a number of forms, and can be payable to a number of persons, often at the same time. Conference proceedings and individual papers. This is because the feasibility work is all projection, and the individual assumptions and criteria must be spelled out. CHECKLIST FOR MINING PROJECTS seeking Environmental Clearance (See also General Instructions) Sl. While inevitably some will be assumed, these are usually realistic because they are dependant on all mining, processing and other considerations taken at and before this point. One way of determining this is through feasibility studies. Costs for transporting, treating, and refining metals and concentrates are usually considered part of the revenue calculation. How were unusual results treated?

Form I Attached 11-30 Questionnaire for mining projects Attached 8 -10 Pre-feasibility report Attached 31-81 Environment Management Plan Attached 63 -78 3. Is it repayable? The correct interpretation of evaluation results will depend on all relevant information being included in the evaluation of the project. There is no international agreement on the terminology for each stage of feasibility study and there is no agreed standard for quality or accuracy. municipal tax (usually included in capital and operating costs)? 1. Is an adequate structure in place in the event that one or more participants defaults? It is often easier to find data and assumptions and back-up calculations in a feasibility study than in an operating mine's records. A Scoping Study may be carried out very early in the exploration phase, as a basis for acquiring exploration areas or making a commitment for exploration funding. price participation (the smelter receives some portion of. mining feasibility study checklist [email protected] ... SRK can provide a complete range of disciplines required to produce a feasibility study for a mining project. While reporting requirements vary around the world, a Prefeasibility Study is the minimum level of study that should be completed before reporting an ore reserve. Allow adequate time in your schedule, and funds in your budget, for translation both into English for your use and back into the host language for the owner. Process people tend not to talk to the structural people (no one tells the designer that the ball mill has moved). 12. 43-101 and the Shrinking Feasibility Study, Power Generation & Desalinization – An Idea that Floats, Cyber Security – Coming to a Mine Near You, Flawed Projects – No Such Thing as Perfection, Is Insitu Leaching the “Green Mining” Future, Ore Dilution Prediction – Its Always an Issue, The Mining Bank or eBay for Mining Properties, Underground Feasibility Forecasts vs Actuals.
To attract a buyer to the project or to attract a joint venture partner or as a basis for a major underwriting to raise the required risk capital. What is the mining recovery? The assumptions are not always clearly set out, usually because the documents are for internal use and everyone knows what the assumptions are. Many owners wish to include financing in their evaluations. It is a critical factor to assess in the over-all evaluation. 7.

Prestigious technical reference volumes with a long shelf life. If a company’s scoping study figures are similarly compelling then the company and its engineers can proceed to the next stage. Be recognised for your leadership in the resources sector.

Getting resources out of the ground requires a lot of money, and investors won’t risk their capital on projects without a reasonable prospect of success. 1. Therefore, if one is reviewing a project at the feasibility stage, or even the startup stage, the feasibility study will probably provide the greatest insight into the project. Were the assays performed by qualified persons? changes in rates after a certain amount has been paid? Use the construction schedule to allocate capital costs over time. In the block model, does the block size match the bench height (open pit mines) or the mining width (underground mines)?

There are four stages, each with more certainty attached to them: The conceptual study (or scoping study) is the first of these and with limited information, many parameters are assumed or factored because drilling is not done. What is the currency of the operating supplies? Are there camp costs? It is extremely unusual that a project will begin operation at full capacity on the first day of operation and continue at full capacity for years. Conduct a preliminary assessment of potential impacts and development timeframes. Are they treated as a separate, interest earning investment? Approvals impact the timing of a project. There are varying degrees of detail required at the different stages of evaluation in a project, from the "quick and dirty" overview, to the pre-feasibility study, to a full detailed feasibility study, to a due diligence review. 2.

Over the life of a mine the operating costs will account for many times the amount of the initial capital costs. A great way to connect with professionals in your area and to get involved with your industry.

Can you get copies of them? Ore Stockpiling – Why are we doing this again? Normally, the feasibility study will take place in parallel with the baseline investigations of the EIA, and will be guided by its results on an ongoing basis. Its purpose is to raise questions about variables or issues which the reviewer will then pursue in more detail using increasingly more comprehensive checklists for each topic. No.

What quantity of tailings and waste rock will require disposal? The study forecast average annual production figures of 4,356 tonnes of Neodymium-Praseodymium oxide and and 135,808 tonnes of merchant grade phosphoric acid. The bankable feasibility study. 1. To provide a justification for proceeding to a final Feasibility Study. 4. What are the correct conversion factors? Is the value appropriate? 1. Remember that labour costs will be at least l00ffJo in that year. Can you get a copy of it? Production schedules tend to measure time in years, beginning at start-up. Head offices and banks tend to measure time in fiscal years, by quarters. Is the production rate appropriate for the market which must consume the product? Can you get a copy? The intended estimation accuracy is usually 30 to 35 per cent, though some companies accept +/- 50 per cent. cash flow? Operating costs will be required on a year-by-year basis. Can you get a copy of it? Are they enough by today's and future environmental standards? Net present value (NPV)? Are funds being set aside for decommissioning? Do they have to be set aside at the beginning of the project? Future leaders can engage and learn from each other in social and professional settings. Have I accounted for all of these items as costs or revenues in the evaluation? We use cookies to improve your browsing experience. What is the moisture content of the product? 4. Often a sub-optimal but acceptable design is used as the basis of the feasibility study with further optimisation undertaken (or not) once the project has been approved. The ownership of the ore reserve is a critical matter.

43-101 Reports – What Sections Are Missing? Oxidized surface material is often mined in the early years of an open pit operation and it may differ considerably from the underlying portion of the ore body. 1. Indeed each project requires tailoring to achieve the desired objective. Are core samples and core logs available? For example, where ore reserves cannot be proven by surface drilling underground development may be required for exploration at an early stage of the project.

Are there stockpiles? Is there a market for the mine's product? A scoping study may be carried out very early in the exploration phase, as a basis for acquiring exploration areas or making a commitment for exploration funding. These can include: 13. Financings – It Helps to Have a Credible Path Forward. 5. Checklists bring focus and minimize sidetracking down unnecessary paths. Discover events in your area, forge industry connections and keep up to date with international news. Does the ownership change as the project achieves certain milestones, or as certain obligations are met? It could be a joint venture partner or equity investors. It will determine mine life, capital costs, and operating costs. The bankable study doesn’t usually differ in project parameters from the DFS, but they include a stack of detail on what terms financiers should … Are capital costs included for decommissioning? Hi Mark, Thanks for the feedback and comment.
Arafura Resources (ASX: ARU) has just completed its Definitive Feasibility Study for its Nolans project in the Northern Territory. Often governments get as much or more out of a project than the owner. Companies may have a mixture of resource confidence, and in those cases will indicate them in the study. Are there losses in transit? Best Regards 4. Capital and operating costs are influenced. As a result, the revenue calculation for a concentrate appears to contain operating costs, but they are actually part of the smelter contract. 10. Obtain a copy of the capital cost estimate. Item Description Page No. A checklist helps keep a team on the same page and clarifies individual roles and tasks. Be sure to document them all. Were the programming assumptions appropriate?

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