So, yes, Biden is bought. A Nothing that's really a wolf sent to destroy Fantastica. That heinous practice is disproportionately used on communities of color, the LGBTQ community, and religious communities, and Valdez increased the punishment for that crime. Yikes. Just, whatever you do, vote Reykdal. We just *clenches fist* l o v e our state’s regressive tax system and the hoops it makes us jump through to fund things that matter!!!!! The biggest lie these people tell is that the bill requires schools to teach sex positions to 4th graders. As King County Councilmember Girmay Zahilay put it after passing the ordinance that put this amendment on the ballot, "We only get one shot every ten years to update the charter, and this amendment gives us a once-in-a-generation opportunity to make significant, effective, innovative changes to our system of public safety. Ditto for veterans who were honorably discharged, or discharged solely based on sexual orientation or gender identity. WA Democrats see path to cleaner fuels, capital gains tax after election, New Bellevue Arts Museum show brings technicolor to dark days, Hoh Tribe partners with SpaceX to get online, but rural demand remains high, Conservation groups vow to restore federal wolf protections, 1912: When antitrust views collided in a presidential election, Five Republicans to watch in Washington’s primary election, Election 2020: A national blue wave will impact these WA races, Five Washington state election officials on voting in 2020, Presidential election results won't stop Seattle BLM protests, Biden wins WA, Inslee reelected to 3rd term as governor, Editor’s Notebook: Spooky art and screaming into the void, Seattle filmmaker reimagines Skagit Valley as a horror movie, Coronavirus sparks a radio drama revival in Seattle. Vote Hackney. Did she never see FernGully? The outlines of the election are locked in: Democrats will remain on top. All of which means, of course, that he could win if you don't take him seriously. But he's open to decriminalizing sex work! Before that he prosecuted Medicare fraud in the Attorney General's office. com/2020. Nothing scares Republicans more than a big, stuffed ballot box. (Loren Culp campaign), Phil Fortunato meets with voters during a campaign stop. This guy literally believes "Democracy is a step toward socialism, which is a step towards communism." Our chief fear, though, was that you’d chance going to the drive-in and, just your luck, Jesus would pick right then to return to Earth, leaving you caught in some steamy sin-wagon while drooling over a lusty scene from, say, ”Old Yeller.”. The only problem we currently have with Macri is that there's only one of her.

With 20 years on the Superior Court bench and “well qualified” and “exceedingly well qualified” ratings from bar associations, North clearly has more experience in the role. All things we can get behind. We’ll need our state representatives to come up with more progressive funding options like congestion pricing so that we can keep transit and stay away from regressive fees. 5 State Senator. Both Doglio and Strickland supported Initiative 940, which made it easier to prosecute cops who kill, but Doglio used the power of her office to actively boost the initiative while Strickland "had little involvement in the campaign.". Then Rizzo got preggers. Though Smith isn't perfect, he does try to slip Democratic priorities into the annual defense bill, and he does support "improving" Obamacare, pushing through comprehensive immigration reform, fixing "glaring holes" in gun laws around background checks, "totally reexamining the way we do law enforcement," the Green New Deal, and progressive taxation. Pollet sponsored a fuckton of bills this session, and he was the primary sponsor on bills that addressed sexual misconduct in colleges and improved the transparency around special districts. Of course, one incoming State House Rep likely won't have much influence on whether the Legislature cuts services, shrinks eligibility, or cuts state employee jobs next session, and so here we are again back at the beginning. “Whadaya think?” I asked.

Though Robertson has tried more cases than Madsen, and though bar associations generally rate Robertson higher than Madsen, and though Robertson can dead-lift 300 pounds (and readily produces the photos to prove it), we’re going with Madsen. Javier Valdez has been around the block. Check that out if you don't want to savor all the fruits of our labor, which involved sitting through two months of Zoom calls with slippery politicians and "stakeholders" who couldn't find it in their poll-tested little hearts this year to try and bribe us with cookies and weed and weed lube and that extra-strength bedtime CBD cream we love to huff.

Newsflash: sex ed is science! That's it! 46 Representative Position No. We thought about calling She-Who-Must-Be-Obeyed, but we didn't have her number, so we endorsed Liias instead. GUEST: Mariya Frost,Transportation Director for Washington Policy Center.

Then Danny, realizing how stupid he’d been, started groveling like some lovesick lapdog to get Sandy back.

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The funding just hasn't been there.

It’s not like some poor kid had the unenviable job of checking your breath when you drove onto the lot, but if you got ripped, and you got caught, you got bounced. These advisory votes are exactly like that wolf. Though when she referenced her time mentoring students for the Street Law Program, she pointed out that she and her teaching partner were “the only white people in the room.” She pointed to one girl from that program she inspired to take up law, but she suggested that more people of color have benefited from her teachings.

Engrossed Senate Joint Resolution No. We had a deputy that mocked that," King County Councilmember Rod Dembowski added. She's also known for her roll-up-our-sleeves and get-to-work approach to tough local issues, such as ensuring that the residents of a SeaTac mobile home park will be compensated and assisted in their efforts to find new housing when the property is sold for redevelopment. And the hospital could use some serious modernization. Wellman, a teacher and then an Apple executive for a quarter-century, favors progressive taxation, she told the SECB. Believe it or not, Phil Fortunato is the only elected official running among Republicans. ), free ORCA cards for high school students, and low-income ORCA card programs. AuthorDanielle D'Souza Gill joins Kirby to discuss her new bookThe Choice: The Abortion Divide in America. The shit this man has said and done is so laughably insane the SECB takes little joy in dunking on him. In keeping with the theme, both Reyneveld and Berry basically agree on all the big stuff: championing progressive taxation, voting for meaningful climate change legislation, defunding the police, helping to end cash bail, backing the right housing bills, increasing tenant protections, and naming and shaming in the press Democratic colleagues who block any of that legislation. Kirby talks with Sara, a young woman who was attacked by her neighbors after asking them to quiet down in the middle of the night, she called the police but they did not show up until hours later, callers have questions about the election and his guest this hour is Jason Mercier from the Washington Policy Center. We hope you'll visit, read and view this site frequently. 48 Representative Position No. Oh wait, did you need to hear more? Vote Santos. Unlike the DINO incumbent she's running against, Anderson, a psychiatric nurse at Overlake Hospital, wants to fight climate change, fix our unfair tax structure, and tap her experience as an essential worker battling on the frontlines of the pandemic to improve our scammy health care system. King County voters went along with it, and now we're watching the largest movement in U.S. history rise up against a recalcitrant and unaccountable "public safety" system run by cop guilds who refuse all reform. Vote Macri. During his eons in this seat, Chopp has consistently—to borrow a phrase from his fellow lawmakers—"Chopped" pieces of progressive legislation to build and preserve a majority that Democrats then refuse to use to its fullest extent. Before the pandemic tied everybody to a laptop, we saw Sexually Transmitted Infection rates skyrocket among teens. What perfect timing for an emergency room doctor who is critical of Inslee’s handling of the coronavirus to run for office. On August 10th-14th, John scaled Mt. Ughhghghghhg. And I did!". Vote Doglio.

But we forgive him these trespasses, as he's since offered reasonable replies/excuses/apologies. 0. But if you vote last-minute for some reason, use King County's ballot drop boxes to make sure your vote counts. When she wasn't adjudicating stuff, she taught law classes at Western Washington University for over 15 years.

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